The great biscuit experiment

sampled 9/23/19

Ok, this is another one of those screwy experiments I just wanted to try.  We love Green's brisket biscuits.  Everyone does.  He takes biscuit dough, wraps it around some smoked brisket, and fries it up crispy brown.  It puffs up light and flaky and is delicious, especially when you pour in a little sauce after your first bite.  Well I thought I'd try just putting some BBQ into some biscuit dough and baking the biscuits as usual to see how that would taste.  So I did it.
We got some Green's BBQ on Saturday, just before Smoked Dallas, and put it in the fridge for later.  I took some store brand flaky buttermilk biscuit dough, split it in half, and added pork belly bites and brisket.  Then I did the same with sausage.
I didn't moosh it down or crimp the edges, just pushed the biscuit top down firmly.
They went into the oven at 350 for 17 minutes.  The biscuits weren't quit browned enough after the normal cooking time, so I left them in for 2 extra minutes.  I thought they came out pretty good.  The biscuits were a bit soft in the middle around the meat, but they ate just fine!
I suspect just baking the biscuits, splitting, and adding warm BBQ would be less trouble and just as good.  Maybe better.  It was a fun experiment, though, and I'm glad I tried it out.

from Don O.'s Texas BBQ blog
